A Better World is Possible

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Housing Justice and Tenant Organizing Working Group

The Housing Justice Project, CTDSA’s housing working group, organizes to build a socialist understanding of housing and sees tenant struggle as essential in the fight to build socialism. We work to build working-class power through tenant organizing that improves conditions in our housing, decreases rents, and helps us move towards the socialist horizon of guaranteed housing for all and a world without landlords.

Housing liberation means ending the commodification of housing under capitalism, ensuring democratically controlled, decarbonized, decommodified, abolitionist housing for everyone, and decoupling housing from the violent forces of racism, policing, displacement, and extraction.

Housing Justice and Tenant Organzing News

The Communist Horizon of Social Housing

The Communist Horizon of Social Housing

The term “social housing” has gained traction on the US Left today. Prominent political currents in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have become more comfortable using the term to gesture vaguely at some more just allocation of housing than what currently exists. For example, DSA’s “Building for Power” (B4P) campaign encourages DSA chapters to “…work with tenants and/or tenant unions as well as building trades unions to retrofit social or other tenant housing,” operating under the assumption that social housing is an existing thing that can be improved upon.

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