Reproductive Justice Working Group
Connecticut DSA’s Reproductive Justice Group considers Crisis Pregnancy Centers, also known as fake clinics, to be a threat to public health. We believe their lies to patients are certainly grounds for their removal from Connecticut’s United Way 211 self-help call line.
Refusal laws have found their way into most aspects of our lives. Private Christian hospital networks have been buying out local emergency care centers, resulting in shuttered labor wards. This harmful trend will only continue unless and until patients make their voices loud and clear. Hospitals currently have a carte blanche to remove trans residents’ hormone scripts for any reason they can find. The people they are supposed to provide health for, the public, are the ones suffering.
We are working to branch out to other repro justice groups and people, and will have news soon to that extent. If you are reading this, the group wants great people like you to join and flex our collective power now!
Reproductive Justice Working Group News
This International Women’s Day, take action for Reproductive Justice in Connecticut!
Today marks the 112th International Women’s Day, a holiday founded in the early 20th century by socialist and labor movements to celebrate the struggle of working-class women, which has always included reproductive justice. The Reproductive Justice working group of...
Reproductive Justice Statement
Striking down Roe v. Wade is an attack on the working class in this country. We know that the wealthy will continue to travel to access safe abortions, while the poorest among us will be forced to choose between unwanted pregnancies and unsafe, potentially deadly...
CT First in Country to Pass Baby Bond Program
In July 2021, Connecticut became the first state in the country to pass a statewide baby bond program. It has many strings attached but is ultimately a step forward.