No Appetite for Apartheid Campaign

No Appetite for Apartheid Campaign

No Appetite for Apartheid is a national boycott campaign launched by the DSA BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group on Nakba Day 2022, in commemoration of the Nakba or Catastrophe of 1948 and the ongoing Nakba Palestinians experience every day. We are turning up the heat on the apartheid regime by declaring we have #NoAppetiteForApartheid and taking apartheid off our plates! 

In line with the principles of the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement, we are targeting food products and companies that operate on stolen Palestinian land, including Sabra; Israeli dates such as Jordan River, King Solomon, Mehadrin; Israeli wines such as Golan Heights Winery and Segal wines; and Israeli agricultural products such as Jaffa Oranges, Tivali, and more. 

Boycotts, and specifically food boycotts, have been used throughout history to apply economic pressure as leverage against entities perpetrating injustice: from the Coca-Cola boycott of the South African anti-apartheid movement to the boycott of Nike for its violation of children’s rights and labor laws, to the boycott of Israeli apartheid today. 

CT DSA proudly adheres to this national campaign: we are canvassing local stores asking them to pledge to become Apartheid Free Stores by dropping food products complicit from the occupation from their shelves in New Haven, Bridgeport, and New Britain, with more cities to come.

With your help, we can add another boycott success story to the history books! Join today!

How do I join?

  • Reach out to to get information about our activities and meetings.

What if I’m not in Connecticut, but I want to help?

  • Fill out the campaign interest form at:  A national organizer from the BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group will get in touch with you and help you get started!

You can learn more about the No Appetite For Apartheid Campaign from , and reach out at with more questions. 

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