Our Values

Connecticut is the wealthiest state in the most prosperous country on Earth, and one of the most unequal places in America. Workers and tenants are exploited to produce decadent living standards for capitalists, while basic necessities such as housing and healthcare become more expensive.
We believe that ordinary people can achieve genuine freedom only by building an organized, multiracial, working-class majority capable of confronting the ruling class and developing collective power in the workplace, the community, the state, and the environment we share. Members of the working-class majority include all people who sell their labor to the capitalist class to live—as well as those even more deeply exploited: the unemployed, the undocumented, and the incarcerated.
We recognize that resisting and ultimately dismantling capitalist exploitation and imperialist warfare requires us to draw together all people organizing against intersecting forms of oppression. We demand a radical redistribution of wealth, resources, and power.

Who We Are

Connecticut DSA is a statewide chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States. Our members are organizers in the streets, workplaces, and neighborhoods, where we bring workers, tenants, and all exploited peoples into class struggle and build power in our movement for democratic socialism.

Get Involved

Want to join the class struggle and fight to win? Then you should be a part of DSA! Becoming a dues-paying member of DSA gives you a right to vote on our strategic direction and step up for leadership opportunities, but more importantly, it gives you thousands of comrades across the US who are fighting for a better world too!

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